HLTH101 Quiz: Podcasts

15 views14 pages
21 Sep 2021

Document Summary

Podcasts: sdoh responsible for health inequities, upstream factors affecting health/life time, treat underlying cause of poor health, not symptoms. What is public health: longevity of the population and if they are healthy/no disease (population health, what we do as a society to assure healthy conditions, prevent illness/death, live longer, safe drinking water, food systems (inspection/labels) proper sewage- Walkerton issue: vaccines are required- public health can order quarantine, education ex. Ignores evidence that doesn"t fit the framework: whatever ideology is in our society- we consider it normal/natural, the way things are. Reagan: dominant ideology in most countries- margaret thatcher, ronald, many canadians haven"t lived without neoliberalism, freedom from interference from the state- be able to pursue own. Idea of freedom is important interests and do what they want as long as nobody is hurt: role of the state is to maintain order and protect private property. Interested in cutting taxes- help to shrink size of government.