BLG 230 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anishinaabe, Winona Laduke, Bioproducts

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1 Oct 2021

Document Summary

An inside look of indigenous plant history in a morden. This study source was downloaded by 100000788303455 from coursehero. com on 09-24-2021 10:57:53 gmt -05:00 https://www. coursehero. com/file/82986004/an-inside-look-of-indigenous-plant-history-in-a-morden-perspective-reviseddocx/ I give thanks and great appreciation to the indigenous community, as the land we gather on today was first inherited by the indigenous community and the territory of the anishinabek, As they have cared and developed the enriched land we live in today. Before completing this module in botany, i did not think much about the heritage and spiritual aspect many everyday plants have within not only my life but society on a whole. I had not given much thought to the importance of plats other than providing sustenance and oxygen but even that thought was short lived and hardly crossed my mind. Additionally, after listening to winona laduke"s ted talk, i began to realize that the indigenous have a great connection to the earth and the sustenance it provides.