SOCPSY 1Z03 Lecture 1: Module 1 – Part 1

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Introduction to social psychology and examination of research in social psychology. Social psychology is the systematic study of the nature and causes of human social behavior (delamater & collett, 2019: Behavior (action), affect (emotion), and cognition (thoughts: nature and causes, what people do and why they do it. Follows the scientific method; application of research methodologies. Systematic study refers to using a research methodology, such as in-depth interviews or a survey to collect information (data) from people to understand the nature and causes of social behaviour. Following a research or scientific method assures that the data collection is reliable, valid, and follows a process that can be replicated and tested by others. Social psychologists use research techniques and methodologies to design studies to learn more about the social world and the actions and behaviours of people within that world. There are 5 core concerns in social psychology (delamater & collett, 2019:5):