CDNS 1200 Midterm: Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice

18 views7 pages
3 Nov 2021

Document Summary

The purpose of healthcare delivery models in the nursing practice indicates how health care services are dispensed to patients. Frequently, health care institutions attempt to develop ap- proaches in which they might deliver health care in a more effective way to the advantage of both patients and caregivers. Several people do not have healthcare insurance, and investigations indicate the necessity for reform and reformation in the united states of america. Several years later, america carries on the journey of healthcare reform, and healthcare trends are surfacing. This paper aims to evaluate the changes and trends in healthcare and the nursing profession, in the aca, in 2010. Current or emerging health care law or federal regulation and effect on nursing prac- tice, role, and responsibility. The affordable care act (aca) legislation is one of the main changes in healthcare his- tory.