PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Applied Psychology, Behaviorism, Psy

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16 Feb 2022

Document Summary

Attempt to understand the fundamental principles that govern behavior and mind. Main focus: change behavior to solve practical problems. : mental health issues, improving workplace efficiency, improving educational outcomes: applied research discover a new or more effective way to solve some specific problem. **translational research based on an attempt to apply discoveries from basic research to practical problems : applied practice actual application of techniques to the problems. : focusing on identifying, preventing and relieving distress or dysfunction that is psychological in origin. Applied psy form clinical psychologists : psychiatrists : is medical doctors. : diagnosis and treatment of mental illness counseling psychologists: : observable behavior should be the only topic of study, ignoring conscious experience. ** : 1. how quickly a rat can navigate a maze. 2. the rate at which a dog learns that a bell indicates dinner is on its way. ** world war(1914-1918) delayed the rise of behaviorism. **published initial manifesto in 1913 rise leading thinker: b. f. skinner.