PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Occipital Lobe, Gestalt Psychology, Parietal Lobe

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16 Feb 2022

Document Summary

5. 1 introduction: foundation of perception sensation: features of the environment raw material of the perception eg / . Perception: / based on the information coming in from the world. Eg: basic components of the music (the sensations) meaningful interpretation of these basic components (perception of the music) Bottom-up processing: the natural processing that starts with the physical message or sensation. early-level analysis . Top-down processing: combine the understanding of the world to interpret information. (so that it has value) The principles of gestalt incoming neural message with our. The laws of gestalt = gestalt principles of organization. 20% of the cortex plays a role in the interpretation of visual information. 400-700 retina contain 126 million photosensitive cells. Cornea cornea contributes to your ability to focus on the dog pupil light refracted from the dog the entre your eye through pupil.