PSYA01H3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Wax Tablet, Autobiographical Memory, Iconic Memory

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7 Mar 2022

Document Summary

Back as far as plato and aristotle, who described memory as a wax tablet the rooms of a house(for object) / library(for a book) / purse(right object) Computer(for bytes) / tape&video (for correct moment in time) Phrase reflect: finding a solution / bring it to the front of your mind . Reconstruction metaphor: (better metaphor of memory than search) The variety of memory that gives continuity to your life an individual (autobiographical memory) Information processing model: how memories formed and retrieved. Occurrence of event: sth has to occur before we can remember it. Encoding: how brain commit an event memory . Encoding problem: the problem our brains have to solve in order to encode information. Encoding : through the process of sensation. Bridging the gap from perception to memory. More general immediate memory which hold limited amount of time so we can manipulate/process it. Icon lasting only tenths of second.