PSY220H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Social Loafing, Abstract And Concrete, Counterintuitive

25 views3 pages
5 Aug 2022

Document Summary

Reciprocal influence of individual & their social environment. Beliefs, attitudes, emotions, perceptions behaviour beliefs, attitudes, emotions, perceptions (loop/cycle) Foothold in abstract and concrete practice both theory and applied. Probabilities, likelihood, correlations rather than absolute laws. Enormous variability of human behaviour but possible to extract some basic patterns. Counterintuitive findings need to test intuitives. Triplett (1897) asked children to wind up fishing reels, either alone or side by side with. Bicycles ride faster alone or in group. Subsequent researchers failed to find same findings. Zajonc presence of others increases arousal. Something physiologically measurable heart rate, sweating palms, etc. Arousal energizes you & facilitates the dominant response. Behaviour that comes most quickly and easily given particular stimulus. Activates thoughts & motor responses that are most practiced. Well learned task dominant response is correct response. Poorly learned task dominant response more likely to be incorrect.