PSY220H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: John Bargh, Subliminal Stimuli, Daniel Kahneman

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5 Aug 2022

Document Summary

Judge events informed by intuition, implicit rules, moods. Perceive & recall filters of own assumptions. Automatically & out of awareness intuition/gut feeling. Things we don"t consciously notice subtly influence interpretation & recall. Priming one thought can influence another thought or even action. John bargh bells only mental butlers can hear. Even when stimuli presented subliminally too brief to consciously perceive. Invisible image/word primes response to later task. Slight electric shock increase perceived intensity of later shock. Bread primed to detect related word butter more quickly than unrelated word. Students more likely to wobble on balance beam in room w/ posters of alcohol vs juice. German students primed with words like sexuality sweat stiff bed . Dutch students exposed to scent of all purpose cleaner. People + scent of cleaning product less likely to litter. Fishy smell suspicious of each other & cooperate less. Watching scary movie alone interpret furnace noises as intruder. Good mood past more wonderful, future brighter.