BIOL 1105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anterior Longitudinal Ligament, Ligamenta Flava, Tarsometatarsal Joints

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13 Sep 2022

Document Summary

1- what type joint is the art zygapophysialis: plane gliding joint. 2- which of the following structures is not part of the solid joints: diarthrosis. 3- which of the middle fibers of the following ligaments attaches to intervertebral discs: lig. captis costa radiatum. 5- which two bones form the lisfranc joint: metatarsal and cuboid. 6- which of the following ligaments is called bigelow ligament? lilofemoral lig. 7-which of the following lig-nents is is the main stabilizator of the dens of axis? lig transveesum atlantis. 8-which of the following ligaments is not a ligament of the art radiocarpalis? ligg palmaria. 9- a high school football player receives a helmet to-helmet blow to his head and neck is brought into the emergency department. A radiographic examination reveals a mild dislocation of the atlantoaxial joint. When you examine his neck, you notice his range of motion is decreased. 10-which of the following bones does not form the longitudinal medial arch: cuboid.