SOCIOL 1101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Alternative Financial Service, Rust Belt, Spatial Mismatch

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26 Nov 2022

Document Summary

Poverty - economic deprivation severe enough that one cannot live at a standard. Who1sp00it job loss or a major life event apftphuo. hn?fnaa9rreea,taeru!eroenta9e of black americans are poor , only about. " le of the poor there is a wealth gap btw whites , blacks and hispanics. Blacks and hispanics possess fewer assets , putting them at greater risk of poverty during considered comfortable or normal in a society . Absolute poverty - the pt in which a household "s income falls below the necessary. Women have a poverty rate than men , regardless of race or ethnicity level to purchase food to physically sustain its members . Relative poverty - a measurement of poverty based on a percentage of the median poverty is growing rapidly in the rust belt income in a given location . S p o u f ft y l im f. Measurement developed in 1963 ( age , + ne n .