PHYS 1P22 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Water Heating, Silvering, Vacuum Flask

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9 Dec 2022

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The nails from different materials dropped off from the rod at different time. Good conductors of heat refer to objects that can conduct heat very fast. Examples: copper, silver, iron, mercury are good conductors. Insulators are materials that heat cannot travel through. Non- metals, such as plastic and air, are poor conductor. There are delocalised electrons ( free" electrons) in metals. These free electrons can move freely throughout the metals. When heated, these free electrons gain kinetic energy and move from the hotter end to the colder end, carrying energy with them. Conduction is heat flow through solids without any visible movement of the matter. It happens due to vibration of atoms and free electrons. Heat flows from high temperature region to a slower temperature region. The rods are made of copper, iron brass and aluminium. Rest them on a tripod and fix a small nail at one end of each rod.