ITM 301 Lecture Notes - Transport Layer, Anomaly Detection, Trade Secret

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Involve as many decision makers as possible: assign security coordinator to drive policy creation, understand risks, conduct posture assessment, rate severity and likelihood of each threat. Practice of allowing people to bring their smartphones, laptops, or other technology into a facility for the purpose of performing work or school responsibilities. Variations include: byoa (bring your own application, byco (bring your own cloud, byot (bring your own technology, cyod (choose your own device) Security and legal compliance concerns must be sufficiently addressed in clearly defined byod policies. Explains to users what they can and cannot do while accessing a network"s resources. Might describe how these measures protect the network"s security. This policy should also define what confidential and private means to the organization. If you work in an environment such as a hospital, where most data are sensitive or confidential: security policy should classify information in degrees of sensitivity that correspond to how strictly its access is regulated.