SOC225 Study Guide - Final Guide: Feminist School Of Criminology, Environmental Design, Empiricism

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19 Jan 2023

Document Summary

Criminology has traditionally been male centered, and critiques about how the major theories do not explain gender differences. Women are seen as invisible in criminological theorizing. Women were described and treated in stereotypical ways. Women were treated as monsters, misfits and manipulators . Women were othered , seen different and less than, abnormal, deceitful. Believed women were less because they evolutionarized less and therefore were less civilized. Women criminal offenders explanations were tied to their physiology and menstrual cycle (pms) Some theorists believe that women are inherently deceitful, they suggested that women committed more crime but weren"t caught as often making the numbers look small. Critiqued the theories on being biologically based. Critiques the theories on being old folk tales about women. Failed to look at the social structural factors. Can women be accounted for without throwing out old theories. Suggests that as women become more liberated, they enter the workforce and access legitimate opportunities.