ZOOLOGY Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Body Cavity, Iron-Deficiency Anemia, Trichinella

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22 Jan 2023

Document Summary

When humans acquire trichinosis, the adult female worms produce larvae that can reach the intestinal walls of humans. Elephantiasis is a condition caused by filarial worms that spread from person to person through mosquitos. This mainly affects the lymphatic system characterized by swelling of body parts such as the limbs: look at careers in biology - meat inspector. The toxascaris eggs are released through the feces of the host: how do the worms get back into the host (dogs) Aside from humans, dogs and cats can also be affected by ascarid worms: describe the process of how a hookworm infects its host. The roundworms infect their host by attaching to the intestinal wall, then sucking the blood which results in iron deficiency anemia and protein loss: caenorhabditis elegans is a free-swimming roundworm. The caenorhabditis elegans are the first animals to have complete digestive, reproductive and nervous system. Please fill in missing material on roundworms in the below table: