BSC 2010C Chapter : Bio Notes 44 - Cations

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27 Mar 2023

Document Summary

Cations are positively charged ions that are formed when an atom loses one or more electrons. When an atom loses electrons, the number of protons in the nucleus becomes greater than the number of electrons, resulting in a net positive charge. Cations are important in many biological processes, as they can interact with other ions and molecules to form ionic bonds and contribute to the stability and function of biological molecules. For example, calcium ions (ca2+) are important for the contraction of muscles, while potassium ions (k+) are important for maintaining the resting membrane potential of cells. In addition to their role in biological processes, cations also play important roles in the environment. For example, many cations, such as calcium and magnesium, are important for plant growth and can affect soil fertility. Cations can also interact with anions, which are negatively charged ions, to form salts, which are important for many geological and environmental processes.