NURS 335 Study Guide - Pelvic Inlet, Ischial Spine, Pelvic Outlet

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14 May 2023

Document Summary

The pelvis- divided into the pelvic inlet, midpelvis, and pelvic outlet. Passenger the baby, placenta, amniotic membranes, amniotic fluid. Pelvic shape can influence labor- gynecoid (classic female type)- rounded android (resembles male) anthropoid platypelloid. Fetal head: composed of bony parts that either hinder or facilitate childbirth. Key influential variables: sutures, fontanelles (anterior and posterior), molding, overriding sutures. Fetal lie: relationship of cephalocaudal axis of fetus to cephalocaudal axis of the mother. Longitudinal lie- fetal cephalocaudal axis is parallel to the mother"s cephalocaudal axis transverse lie- fetal cephalocaudal axis is at right angle (90 degrees) to mother"s cephalocaudal axis (perpendicular) Fetal attitude: relation of fetal parts to one another. Flexion of head/chin-to-chest, arms folded across the chest, and legs flexed up onto the abdomen. Deviations especially related to the head will present larger diameters of the head for the pelvis. Station: where that presenting part is in relation to ischial spine.