
The following information is available after the CashBook of T Stores was compared with their Bank Statement at 28February 2018.
1. The Cash Book showed an overdraft of GHS10,100.
2. The Bank Statement showed a debit balance of GHS10,568.
3. The deposit of GHS7,654 does not appear on the BankStatement.
4. Cheques not yet presented for payment:
Nr. 511 GHS805
Nr. 516 GHS690
5. The bank recorded the following in the current bank account of TStores:
Credit card levy GHS150
Service fee GHS243
Interest on overdraft GHS163
6. A cheque for GHS260 received from P. Peters was dishonoured bythe bank. Discount allowed on this cheque was GHS30.
7. A payment by a debtor, D. Sunshine, for GHS3,000 appears in theBank Statement and not in the Cash Book.
8. The Bank Statement showed a debit order for GHS693 in favour ofDeadsure for an insurance premium.
9. T. Strong, a tenant, deposited his monthly rent directly intothe bank account, GHS4,200.

You are required to:

(i) Make supplementary entries in Cash Book of TStores on 28 February 2018.

(ii) Draw up the Bank Reconciliation Statement on 28February 2018.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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