
1. Wild's Flowers sells $400 of flowers for a wedding and thecustomer pays with a bank credit card (e.g., VISA). Wild's Flowersmust pay 3% to the credit card company for credit cardtransactions. Which one of the following statement is correct(true) with respect to the recording of this sale on the books ofWild's Flowers?

a) Sales is debited $400
b) Sales is credited $388.
c) Credit Card Discounts is debited $12.
d) Sales Discounts is debited $12.

2. Which one of the following is correct (true) with respect toinventory?

a) inventory is normally reported on the 3rd line, after A/R, inthe current asset section of a classified balance sheet
b) a manufacturing firm has only one type of inventory, which isfinished goods
c) if a company sells goods and agrees to pay the freight cost,this freight cost would be included in the COGS section of thecompany's income statement
d) goods in-transit at the end of the period, which were sold underterms FOB destination, should be included in the inventory of thebuyer (and not the seller)

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019

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