
The following audit procedures were performed in the audit of
inventory to satisfy speci(c balance-related audit objectives as
discussed in Chapter 6. The audit procedures assume that the
auditor has obtained the inventory count sheets that list the client’s
inventory. The general balance-related audit objectives from
Chapter 6 are also included.
Audit Procedures
1. Test extend unit prices times quantity on the inventory list, test foot
the list, and compare the total to the general ledger.
2. Trace selected quantities from the inventory list to the physical
inventory to make sure that it exists and the quantities are the same.
3. Question operating personnel about the possibility of obsolete or slow-
moving inventory.
4. Select a sample of quantities of inventory in the factory warehouse and
trace each item to the inventory count sheets to determine if it has
been included and if the quantity and description are correct.
5. Compare the quantities on hand and unit prices on this year’s
inventory count sheets with those in the preceding year as a test for
large di5erences.
6. Examine sales invoices and contracts with customers to determine
whether any goods are out on consignment with customers. Similarly,
examine vendors’ invoices and contracts with vendors to determine
whether any goods on the inventory listing are owned by vendors.
7. Send letters directly to third parties who hold the client’s inventory and
request that they respond directly to the auditors.
General Balance-Related Audit Objectives
Existence Cuto5
Completeness Detail tie-in
Accuracy Realizable value
Classi$cation Rights and obligations
a. Identify the type of audit evidence used for each audit procedure.
b. Identify the general balance-related audit objective or objectives
satis$ed by each audit procedure

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