11 Mar 2019

Business Law 101 need help

1.What does the plaintiff need to file in order to bringa legal action and what are some of the defendant's properresponses?

2.What is jurisdiction? Describe how jurisdictionover a person or property differs from subject matterjuris­diction?

3.If a corporation is incorporated inDelaware, has its main office in New York, and does busi­ness inCalifornia, but its president lives in Connecticut, in whichstate(s) can it be sued?

4. What is the differencebetween a court of general jurisdiction and a court of limitedjuris­dic­tion?

5. What is the role of a court with appellatejurisdiction?

6. When may a federal court hear acase?

7.How does a case get to be heard by the UnitedStates Supreme Court?

8.When may a court exercise jurisdiction over aparty whose only connection to the jurisdic­tion is via theInternet?

9.Describe at least three different forms ofdiscovery? What is the purpose and advantagefor discovery?

10.What takes place at a pretrialconference?

11.Briefly, what are the steps in the course of atrial?

12.Who can appeal from a trial court’sdecision?

13.What are the steps in appealing adecision?

14.What are some things that a person shouldconsider when deciding whether to settle a dispute or take thedispute to court?

15. How does the Court decide whether or not toadmit evidence into trial?

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
13 Mar 2019

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