25 Apr 2019

I'm trying to finish up my general journal and am uncertain on afew of these.

1. July 21. Pay the employees 6850 for work performed during the3rd week of july.

Debit Wages expense for 6850, credit cash 6850?

2. July 23. Receive a 48250 advance payment from the university.The advance payment is for 6 months of work which will be performedfrom august 1 2015 to january 31 2016.

Debit cash and credit accounts receivable??? Not sure on thisone.

3. July 25. Complete a special mowing job for the golf course.Total price for job is 12,000, the golf course pays 6,000 cash onthis date and will pay the remainder on august 25.

This one should have four entry's? Debit cash 6,000, Debit Accreceivable 6,000, credit service revenue 12,000??? Not surehere.

4. July 27, complete mowing job for customer. Customer pays $425cash.

Debit cash 425, credit service revenue 425?

5. July 28. Pay employees 6350 for work performed during fourthweek of july.

Debit Wages expense 6,350, credit cash 6,350?

6. July 31. Invoice the property management company $42,500 forjuly mowing work. The property management company will pay theinvoice on the 20th of the next month.

Debit accounts receivable 42,500, credit unearned revenue???This seems wrong to me, but I'm not sure why.

7. July 31. Pay the cash dividend that was declared on July 5.Cash dividend was for 27,000.

I think I'm supposed to debit dividends payable and creditcash?

All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
26 Apr 2019

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