13 Jul 2018

Speak to an elderly individual you know (over the age of 70). Schedule to spend at least 20 minutes with them. Ask them the following questions:

What is their favorite memory from childhood?

What is their favorite memory from middle adulthood?

Ask them the last song they heard on the radio, the last book they read, or what they need from the grocery store.

Ask them if any of the questions were difficult to answer. Ask if they would share the ways their memory has changed over time and the most frustrating aspect of that change.

Write a paper describing your conversation, relaying context for the individual you interviewed, the location and time of day of the interview, and how forward they were sharing their answers.

Relate their answers back to Section 14.3 on Cognitive Processes and memories.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
16 Jul 2018

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