1 Jun 2018

Complete this assignment. a)In evaluating the scholarly quality of a website article, it is important to check to see if: -The authors name is displayed or available - The paper is cited in Wikipedia -The website is respected by media sources -None of the above b)You rarely hear scientists say that they believe in the results of scientific work because: -It might be political suicide-Science is not a belief system- It might affect their funding- They require official permission to do so. c)T/F When multiple hypotheses are developed to test a single question, each has a different prediction as to the results of the test being conducted to answer the question. d)A scientific theory is an explanation for: - Ideas that have not been tested yet - Scientific guesses -Natural phenomena that are well understood -Poorly understood ideas e)Unlike traditional science, pseudo-science focuses on: -Acceptance by traditional scientists -Acceptance by the public -Research published in well-respected journals - theories

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
3 Jun 2018

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