8 Oct 2018

Read the attached case study about Bighorn sheep and hunting, then answer the following questions.

1. Why do we preserve a particular species? Because of its value to the conservation of overall biodiversity, or because of an intrinsic right to exist?

2. Why is it socially or ethically acceptable to hunt certain species but not others? Where and why do we draw the line? What are the pros and cons of culling lions?

3. What are some methods that the Fish and Game Commission could use to moderate the cons?

4. What are the cons of bighorn sheep extinction? Humans hunt wild ungulates and rodents.

5. Why do voters have such a strong aversion to killing lions when hunting other mammals is morally or socially acceptable? Is this concern for charismatic megafauna actually counterproductive to environmental goals / biodiversity conservation? Briefly explain you answer.

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
9 Oct 2018
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