4 May 2019

This is for Biology of disease vectors.

What are the five important consequences with respect to pathogens/parasites living within a host (possibly including a vector?) Can you provide a brief description of what is meant by each?

The five consequences of vector interactions is

1. genome erosion (lose genome content),

2. metabolic streamlining

3. adaptation to different hosts,

4. molecular mimicry,

5. interdependent metabolism.

As just one example, what is remarkable about the genome of Theileria annulata? By the way,who might the genus name of this organism be named after? is T. anulata a vector-borne organism? If so, what is the vector?

Why might you expect the metabolic network of plasmodium to be less extensive than that of anopheles? Which of the two is able to make the most amino acids from scratch

Why do we need something like network theory to eventually understand what is going on in a vector infected networks to be redundant? What might be the eventual goal of applying such network algorithms to vector-pathogen relationships?

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
6 May 2019

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