22 Aug 2019

After working through the macromolecules in your friend’s extremely pale burrito, you look at her and think you might have an idea about what is going on. You ask Maria, “Do you usually eat like this?” “Yup,” she says, “I love all the carbs, rice, and bread, as well as cheese. Sometimes I eat a piece of fruit or some carrot sticks. And energy drinks!” You then point out to your friend that she seems to be getting very little protein, a major class of macromolecules. But she is getting plenty of carbohydrates and lipids in the form of animal fats.

1. While your body can convert the monomers of macromolecules from one to the other, it has to have the raw materials in the form of the appropriate atoms. You explain to your friend that when she eats proteins, they are broken down into amino acids through the process of INSERT ANSWER and can then be rebuilt into new proteins through the process of INSERT ANSWER.

a. If your body does not take in protein, but only carbohydrates and lipids, what atoms will it be missing? Hint: There are two, and you can figure this out by comparing the structures of the monomers for proteins and carbohydrates as well as the basic structure of lipids. INSERT ANSWER

b. For the above atoms, how many electrons are in the outer shell? INSERT ANSWER

c. For the above atoms, what type of bond will they make within the amino acid monomer? INSERT ANSWER

d. Even if your friend does obtain the correct atoms, there are still a couple amino acids that your body cannot manufacture from scratch, but must be ingested. What are these amino acids? INSERT ANSWER

e.Why might a lack of protein or the wrong types of proteins lead to your friend’s fatigue? INSERT ANSWER

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
23 Aug 2019

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