2 Apr 2019


The Na/K atpase in the shark epithelial cells of the rectal gland

A.Pumps both Na and K against their concentration gradient

B.Pumps Na against its concentration gradient but K moves with its concentration gradient

C.Pumps K against its concentration gradient but Na moves with its concentration gradient

D.Pumps both Na and K down along their concentration gradient

E.None of the above


The Na/K/Cl in the shark epithelial cells of the rectal gland

A.Pumps both Na and K against their concentration gradient

B.Pumps Na against its concentration gradient but K moves with its concentration gradient

C.Pumps K against its concentration gradient but Na moves with its concentration gradient

D.Pumps both Na and K down along their concentration gradient

E.None of the above


The Na/K/Cl in the shark epithelial cells of the rectal gland

A.pumps both Na and Cl against their concentration gradient

B.Pumps Na against its concentration gradient but Cl moves with its concentration gradient

C.Pumps Cl against its concentration gradient but Na moves with its concentration gradient

D.Pumps both Na and Cl down along their concentration gradient

E.None of the above


The Na/K atpase in the epithelial cells of the proximal tubule

A.Pumps both Na and K against their concentration gradient

B.Pumps Na against its concentration gradient but K moves with its concentration gradient

C.Pumps K against its concentration gradient but Na moves with its concentration gradient

D.Pumps both Na and K down along their concentration gradient

E.None of the above

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
4 Apr 2019

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