6 Aug 2018

What is the phylum, dichotomous key and classification for a earthworm, parrot, centipede and heart worms.
I also need these questions answered:
which phyla lack organs? what type of symmetry do they have?'
list all of the phyla that show cephalization.
do all organisms on the table have 3 germ layers. if not whichphyla have fewer than three germ layers.
one phlym on the table has more species than all the others. statethe name of this phylum, and provide several different examples ofspecies found in this phylym.
fish do not all have the same skeletal structure. describe thedifferences among fish from the most primitive to more advancedtypes of fish.
describe the three types of mammals based on how their youngdevelop.

The animals on the table are: jellyfish, snail, earth worm,butterfly, sponge, starfish, parrot, centipede and heart worms.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
9 Aug 2018

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