12 Jul 2019

1) At what point is the amount of oxygen at its highest?

in the capillaries during strenous activity

in the lungs

in the capillaries at rest

in muscle tissue during strenous activity

2) You have diagnosed a patient with an iron deficiency. Themost likely result of this is

low carbon dioxide content

very red blood

low oxygen content

high oxygen content

3) Why are insects limited to relatively small sizes?

Their respiratory system relies on diffusion which is slow overlong distances

Their respiratory muscles are smooth muscle only

They have a closed circulatory system

Their exoskeleton cannot support larger-bodied animals

4) Air rushes into the lungs of humans during inhalationbecause

the volume of the thoracic cavity increases

pressure in the alveoli increases

the diaphragm contracts and pushes upward on the chestcavity

smooth muscle lining the trachea and bronchi contracts andcauses their volume to increase

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
14 Jul 2019
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