
Look at a diagram of theglyoxylate cycle. Note that two acetyl CoA are consumed in eachturn of the cycle. For each acetyl CoA that is metabolized, what isthe NADH yield of the glyoxylate cycle as a fraction of the NADHyield of the TCA cycle? [That is, if there are four NADHs made peracetyl CoA in the glyoxylate cycle, and eight NADHs made per acetylCoA in the TCA cycle, your answer would be one half]. Is theglyoxylate cycle more or less energetically efficient that the TCAcycle? How might an organism growing on actetate balance the needsof energy production versus anabolic metabolism? (Think about whichenzyme might be regulated, and by what signals).

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019

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