
A.In Shakespeare’s tumors and Orwells cough what was the motivationbehind why the author wrote the book?
B. What are the credentials of the author of Shakespeare’stumor in Orwell’s cough?
C. In background of guns germs and steel how does thecausative agent of malaria cause disease?
D. In background of guns germs and steel why do you think ofthe new malaria vaccine is not as effective as the MMR shot?
E. In back around two guns germs and steel what do you thinkare the differences between smallpox and malaria?
F. In the background of guns germs and steel what is Jareddiamond theory about how disease contributed to some countries haveso much than others so little?
G. And guns germs and steel how has HIV affected Africa?
H. In guns germs and steel how did malaria affect economycolonization of Africa give specific examples in your answer?
I. And guns germs and steel how did smallpox affect the Canacolonization of Africa?

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
30 Sep 2019

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