
Which statement is not correct?

Mutations change the sequence of nucleotides in DNA.
Mutations can be caused by mistakes made during the copying ofDNA.
Mutations can be caused by toxic chemicals in theenvironment.
Mutations are not random.
Mutations can change the function of proteins.
Mutations are the basis for all of the genetic diversity thatexists.

Which statement is not correct?

Chromosomes contain genes.
Chromosomes are made of DNA wrapped around protein.
Eukaryotes have many, linear chromosomes in their cells.
Different species can have a different number ofchromosomes.
DNA is made by putting a string of amino acids together.

Which statement is not correct?

Cells with homologous chromosomes are diploid
Cells with homologous chromosomes are haploid
Gametes are haploid
Diploid cells have two sets of chromosomes in theirnucleus.

Which is not a good example of alleles?

Brown hair and red hair, for the hair gene.
Stripes and no stripes, for a striped gene.
Ear lobe gene and freckles gene.
Straight nose and pug nose, for a nose gene.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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