
My evolution class has a practice test question which i alreadyknow the answer too. i've googled all of the answers to get abetter understanding of the answers but i'm confused as to why theanswer is the best fit answer because they all seem accurate to me.If you could tell me the differences of each and why they are notthe correct choice it would be much appreciated! thank you! Here isthe question:

The dark and white morph in the pepper moth is controlled by asingle locus. This is an example of:

1. polymorphic trait

2. Quantitative trait

3. Phenotypic plasticity

4. Mutation

5. None of the above

Number 1 is the correct choice as per the practice exam answers.But why not 2 or 3?

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
29 Sep 2019

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