
NA fingerprinting uses a process called gel electrophoresis toseparate the fragments of DNA. Once the DNA fragments are sorted,the pattern of bands can be analyzed.

1)Gel Electrophoresis Procedure The smaller DNA fragments startto move away from the wells and the larger DNA fragments remaincloser to the wells.

2)An electric current is passed through the gel.

3) DNA fragments are treated with a dye.

4)A restriction endonuclease is added to the DNA.

5)Using micropipettes, the DNA samples are added to thewells.

6)DNA fingerprint is produced.

7)DNA fragments are produced.

The order in which a DNA fingerprint is produced using gelelectrophoresis is:___,____,___,____,____,____,____,____

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019

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