
1. Compounds that are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogenand/or sulfur are:

a. ionic compounds

b. molecular compounds

2. A peptide bond is a...

a. covalent bond

b. intermolecular force

3. In chemistry, what is an R group?

a. a real group

b. a free radical

c. Argon

d. a functional group

4. A hydrogen bond is a type of

a. dispersion force

b. dipole-dipole force

c. covalent bond

d. ion-dipole force

5. In general chemistry, what do weak acids do?

a. accept a proton

b. donate a proton

6. In general chemistry, what do weak bases do?

a. accept a proton

b. donate a proton

7. What happens to a weak acid when it donates a proton?

a. it becomes positively charged

b. it becomes negatively charged

c. it become neutral

8. what happens to a weak base when it accepts a proton?

a. it becomes positvely charged

b. it becomes negatively charged

c. it becomes neutral

9. R groups that cluster in the center of proteins or are foundadjacent to the hydrocarbon chains of membrane phospholipids tendto have R groups with alkyl groups, such as (–CH3) or(–CH2–CH3). Using your General Chemistryknowledge, what bond, force or interaction would form between thesegroups?

a. chemical bond

b. hydrogen bond

c. van der waals interaction

d. covalent bond

10. A amino acid has an R group containing an amide group(–CONH2), and another amino acid has an R groupcontaining a hydroxyl group (–OH). Using your General Chemistryknowledge, what bond or force would form between these groups?

a. chemical bond

b. hydrogen bond

c. van der waals interaction

d. covalent bond

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
29 Sep 2019

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