
Health Administration Set Primary Article: Al-Amin, M., Makarem,S. C., & Canose, J. (2016). The effects ofhospital-level factors on patients’ ratings of physiciancommunication. Journal of Healthcare Management, 61(1),28–43.

Reference Article: White, H. L., & Glazier, R. H. (2011). Dohospitalist physicians improve the quality of inpatient caredelivery? A systematic review of process, efficiency and outcomemeasures. BMC Medicine, 9(58).

Milestone One Worksheet

Please complete this table to add context to your responses inthe Research Methods table below. Your instructor will providefeedback.

List the title and author of the article you chose.

Describe the purpose of the study.

What is the research question in the study?

What is the hypothesis of the study?

Research Methods: In this section of youranalysis, you will take a deep dive into the research methods usedby the authors of the study you chose to analyze. It is importantthat you are able to identify, describe, and discuss the datacollection and data analysis methodology used by theresearchers.

Important: Once you receive instructor feedbackon this table, revise it and include it in youfinal project submission in Module Seven.

Research Methods Table

Critical Element

Response to the Critical Element

One Example

Identify whether the study design is experimental orobservational. Support your identification with examplesfrom the study.

Identify the methods used to collect the dataand explain why the methods are appropriate based on the researchquestion.

Identify the data collected as quantitative orcategorical. Support your identification with examplesfrom the study.

Discuss the potential weaknesses of the datacollection methods used. Support your discussion withexamples from the study

Identify the data analysis methods used andexplain why the methods are appropriate based on the researchquestion.

Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data analysismethods used. Support your discussion with examples fromthe study.

Describe the key demographics of the populationsampled and identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria forparticipants.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
29 Sep 2019
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