
Please choose the best answer in these mcqs:

1. Cells carry out different metabolic reactions, in differentcompartments (= different enclosed organelles of the cell). Whichof the following are the reasons for this?

A) Protect the metabolism from unwanted environmentalfactors

B) Enclosure enables maintaining high concentrations of thecomponents without letting them diffuse away

C) More concentrated substances can react more readily, withincreased efficiency

D) All of the above

E) Only a and b

2.Which of the following developed during the evolution ofeukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells?


B) the cell membrane

C) nuclear membranes to form nucleus

D) ribosomes

E) proteins

3. Which three cellular components are present in bothprokaryotes and eukaryotes?

A) ribosomes, chloroplasts, mitochondria

B) nucleus, ribosomes, RNA

C) RNA, DNA, ribosomes

D) endoplasmic reticulum, DNA, RNA

E) mitochondria, DNA, RNA

4.Phylogeny is

A) the science of biological classification based onmorphological features of organisms

B) the science of biological classification based on theevolutionary relationships between organisms.

C) the science of biological classification based onreproductive strategies.

D) the branch of science that studies phyllopods.

E) none of the above

5.Which of the following is False regarding mutations?

A) They are small changes in an individual’s geneticmaterial

B) All mutations are bad and cause diseases

C) Mutations that increases the chances of an individualorganism increases the possibility that this mutation is passed onto next generations

D) Mutations that are deleterious (damaging to the organism)tend to end with the organism’s death

6.Which of the following is NOT true about evolution theory?

A) It proceeds through random changes, that affect the abilityof the organism to reproduce and survive under existingenvironmental circumstances

B) Variations in individual organisms is better for survival andadaptation to changes, than being homogenous

C) All the changes in an organism are new, they were notdependent on preexisting features

D) Organisms continue to evolve; evolution has not stopped

7.In thermodynamics, the reaction (or organism or the materialwe are studying) of interest is called:

a) State

b) Universe

c) Matter

d) Energy

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
29 Sep 2019
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