
1) The studies in cell sorting and affinity demonstrated

A the epidermis has a tighter affinity that the nueraltissue
B the mesoderm is never capable of resorting as the outter layerof a re-sorted tissue
C all of the above
D mesoderm actually requires input from both the ectoderm andendoderm to "know" it's middle location
E there is no mechanism in which cells known their properlocation identity within a developing embryo

2) The extracellular matrix

A provides a structure for cells to crawl over
B contains multiple signaling proteins to guide/repel cells sothey progress in the correct direction
C interacts with the transmembrane proteins on the cells toproduce a response
D all of the above

3) EMT is required

A for mammary glad formation
B for progression of cancer from single tumor to metastaticcancerous cells roaming throughout the body
C for neural crest cell formation which provides the cells forinternal organs
D all of the above
E for the initiation of gastrulation in birds and mammals becausethey form as a disc and not a ball of cells

4) Permissive induction

A allow for species to change their genetic fate due to thesignals recieved from surrounding tissue
B describes regions of specificity hotspots within the developingembryo
C describes when cells that no indication towards their fate dueto having the proper signalling/surroundings
D none of the above

5) Classical Cadherins (those dependent on calcium for properfunction)

A all have the same sequence identity (~98%) on the intracelluarside acroos multipe species
B are all regulated by the same 3 catenin proteins to regulatestability and cytoskeletal regulation
C Require calcium for a conformational change to present theirbinding site
D are very specific to which other cadherin on the neighboringcell it is interested in binding to
E all of the above

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
28 Sep 2019

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