
Is the ability to learn under pressure from natural selection –is natural selection favoring those individuals who can learn orlearn “better?” How do you know that (think about if the ability tolearn is “random” or “universal” for a species of animals and thatthe only real questions is the level of the ability)? Do animalshave the ability to learn anything or from any kind of experience(not that they can learn calculus!!) or is what they have theability to learn dependent on something? What could have been apossible explanation for the differences that were seen between thetwo populations of Morning Doves in terms of learning? Whatexperiment did we look at that removed this “possibility?" In termsof “what” you need to learn, what might your ability to learndepend on? Are the priorities of males different from females, andif so how? In general what two principal factors shape the behaviorof an individual?

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
30 Sep 2019

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