23 Nov 2018

9. Some insect herbivores that are specialized to feed on plants that contain poisons are frequently brightly coloured and conspicuous as adults. Other species that feed on the same plants, however, are camouflaged and cryptic. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of the difference? a. Poisonous chemicals are brightly coloured, so eating them changes the colour of the insects. b. The cryptic herbivores break down the poisons, but the bright ones tolerate the poisons, incorporate them into inactive tissues, and evolve warning colouration. .C. Bright insects scare away other herbivorous species that also feed on the poisonous plants. d. The bright species are mimics of other insect species, but the cryptic ones have no models to mimic.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
24 Nov 2018

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