
Please use science in your answers to these questions, with the understanding that science can inform matters of social justice. (Short answers only! No long answers)

1. Of all of the potential pit-falls and criticisms of transgenic crops, what do you find most troubling (that is, what is the best argument against pursuing this method of crop development)? Explain your reasoning and use an example from other sources.

2. Of all of the potential pit-falls and criticisms of transgenic crops, what do you find the least compelling? Explain your reasoning and use an example from other sources.

3. CRISPR/Cas9 is a new gene editing technology that can be used to modify an organism's DNA. This allows genetic technologists to modify traits without introducing DNA from other organims. A recent paper on the use of CRISPR in crops says "US regulators have already suggested that organisms modi¬fied with the newer techniques such that they contain no DNA from other species will be treated differently from conventional GM organisms. That might also alleviate public concerns." and "We can overcome hopefully at least some of the opposition to the genetic modification”

a) Do you agree that there will be less public concern over engineered plants that don’t contain transgenes from other species? Why or why not. (This is not a science question.)

b) Do you think that GMOs created by transgenic methods (moving genes from other organisms) should be regulated differently from those created by CRISPR? (This is a science question.)

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
29 Sep 2019

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