
Please peer review

1) Why is it important for the vast majority of the population to be vaccinated?

it is important to vaccinate due to herd immunity. It not only protects you but the population around. thus increases your chances of not being infected.

2) Why is the rate of vaccination declining in the U.S.?

the rate of vaccination is declining due to people fearing the side affects or the "one percenters" that were fatal. it also comes from not having a true knowledge of how serious these diseases can be..

3) What is the danger of using anecdotal evidence instead of scientific fact to make medical decisions?

using factual information of vaccination can not only educate you but help save a life. by using anecdotal you can put you or someone else at risk. Nothing is 100% of the time. But if it works and can help save a life or more without harm, then why not?

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
30 Sep 2019

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