
Question 10

A microscope image of a cell in interphase is treated with dyes to stain the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). This image probably displays ______.

visible nucleoli

separate visible chromosomes

visible spindle fibers

1 points

Question 11

To observe plant cells undergoing mitosis, the best plant tissue to isolate would be ______.

a section of the root tip

a section of the mature fruit

a section of the main stem

1 points

Question 12

Owen observes a slide containing whitefish blastula sections. He finds a cell with visible spindle lines extending from two points on opposite sides of the cell and chromosomes as small black Xs halfway between the two poles. What stage of the cell cycle is Owen observing?




1 points

Question 13

What structural feature can you use to distinguish between DNA-stained onion cells in anaphase and telophase?

Sister chromatids separate as anaphase ends and telophase begins.

The vesicles forming a cell plate appear around the onset of telophase.

The chromosomes are clustered at visible spindle poles during anaphase.

1 points

Question 14

A carcinogen is any substance or environmental condition that ______.

increases the frequency of mutation

causes direct damage to DNA

inhibits mitosis in cancer cells

1 points

Question 15

Angelina observes a slide containing whitefish blastula sections. She finds a cell with visible spindle lines extending from two points on opposite sides of the cell and chromosomes as small black Xs halfway between the two poles. What intracellular structure forms each of the two points on opposite sides of this cell?

a metaphase plate

a cell plate

a pair of centrioles

1 points

Question 16

Which of the following best describes the relationship between interphase and the cell cycle?

Interphase is a gap between rounds of cell division.

Interphase comprises a large majority of the cell cycle in almost all cells.

Interphase comprises a large majority of the cell cycle in slowly and non-dividing cells.

Question 17

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are cancer treatments that primarily attack cancer cells through ______.

activating apoptosis in any rapidly dividing cells to kill off tumor cells

destroying the blood vessels in cancerous tumors to block the flow of nutrients

damaging DNA to the extent that cells die if they cannot repair the damage

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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