
Using the table below, explain the purpose of each of the steps of the Experimental Flow Diagram (Figure 1 from your lab manual) for answering the two research questions guiding this laboratory investigation:

Is the bacterial contamination at the three farms due to the same plasmid or different plasmids?

What is the frequency of antibiotic resistant bacteria in the farm cultures?


Why are you doing this step?

How is this step relevant to research question(s) 1 and/or 2?

Week 1: Experiment Part A

Week 2: Experiment Part B

Week 2: Experiment Part C

Week 2: Experiment Part D

Week 3: Calculate frequency of antibiotic resistance at farms

Week 3: Use size markers on gel to determine size of resistance genes

Week 3: Compare size to known size of resistance genes to identify which gene was present in each farm

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019

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