1.Because it is a thin tissue made of a single layer offlattened cells, many substances diffuse easily across simplesquamous epithelium. give two structures or organs that are linedwith simple squamous epithelium.
2.simple and pseudostratified columnar epithelium may containgoblet cells. what are golblet cells and what is their function
3.columnar cdells may have ciliated apical surfaces, what arecilia and what is their function
4.what features makes stratified squamous epithelium well suitedfor lining structures that are subject to abraision or wear andtear
5.what are common characteristics of connectie tissue
6.what suffix indicates an immature cell? a mature cell?
7.is areolar connective tissue classifie as a loose or denseconnective tissue? why?
8.what protein fiber type is found in dense regular connectivetissue?
9. tendons and ligaments are structures formed of dense reuglarconnective tissue. what are the functions of tendonds andligaments.
10.how does the arrangment of protein fibers differ whencomparing dense regular and dense irregular connective tissue
1.Because it is a thin tissue made of a single layer offlattened cells, many substances diffuse easily across simplesquamous epithelium. give two structures or organs that are linedwith simple squamous epithelium.
2.simple and pseudostratified columnar epithelium may containgoblet cells. what are golblet cells and what is their function
3.columnar cdells may have ciliated apical surfaces, what arecilia and what is their function
4.what features makes stratified squamous epithelium well suitedfor lining structures that are subject to abraision or wear andtear
5.what are common characteristics of connectie tissue
6.what suffix indicates an immature cell? a mature cell?
7.is areolar connective tissue classifie as a loose or denseconnective tissue? why?
8.what protein fiber type is found in dense regular connectivetissue?
9. tendons and ligaments are structures formed of dense reuglarconnective tissue. what are the functions of tendonds andligaments.
10.how does the arrangment of protein fibers differ whencomparing dense regular and dense irregular connective tissue