
Given: A gastrocnemius muscle at its optimallength, when maximally stimulated by a single electrical stimulus,produces an isometric twitch tension of 80kg, and consumes 5 joulesof energy above its basal energy consumption (measured by acalorimeter-includes all the energy used by the muscle as a resultsof that stimulus). If you then stretch the muscle (hyper-extend it)so that the same maximal electrical stimulus produces no twitchtension at all, stimulating the muscle raises its energyconsumption by only 1 joule above its basal energy consumption(measured again with the calorimeter).

  1. The 5 joules of energy consumed by the muscle during a maximalstimulus at optimal length were used for what? Be specific.
  2. The 1 joule of energy consumed by the muscle during a maximalstimulus at hyper-extended length was used for what? Bespecific.
  3. Explain the difference in amplitude of the twitch tensionbetween optimal length and hyper-extended length. Be specific.

(Please don't think I'm being aggressive, the "be specific" partis included in the questions.)

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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