
1. How do absolute the relative and absolute refractory periodsdiffer from each other? Describe these differences in terms ofchannels, their gates and ion permeabilities.

2. A dentist will inject the anesthetic lidocaine into thetrigeminal nerve to alleviate the sensation of pain in the jaw.However, a side effect of this injection may be the inability touse the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and lower lip properly,resulting in slurred speech and drooling. Explain the mechanism ofaction of the anesthetic on the nerve, why the pain sensation isalleviated and the side effects.

3. You have learned that action potentials are all-or-nonephenomena. Since all action potential are alike, how does the braindiscriminate between stimuli that require immediate attention (astrong stimulus) and ordinary baseline/positional stimuli?

4. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the CNSin which the myelin sheaths are destroyed. What process does thisinterfere with and what would be the consequence?

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019

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