
This is all part of the same questions?

1) Which of the following is true of freshwater fish?

2) Which part of the functional unit of the kidney consists ofcapillaries?

3) The functional unit of a kidney is called the__?

4) The ___descends into the renal medulla only in juxtamedullarynephrons?

5) The thermostat of vertebrates is located in the?

6) Which vertebrates are generally endotherms?

7) What is a hormone that is important in both reproductivedevelopment development and adult sexual cyceles?

8)What is the advantage of asexual reproduction?

9)What is a simultaneous hermaphrodite?

10) True or False. Most animals that utilize externalfertilization also give a lot of parental care to theiroffspring?

11) True or False Most female mammals are only receptive tocopulation during one phase of the estrous cycle?

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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