
Question 1 Select one answer. 10 points Crossing over occurs:_______________.

during both meiosis I and meiosis II

during mitosis but not meiosis

during meiosis II only

during meiosis I only

Question 2 Select one answer. 10 points Homologous pairs ofchromosomes line up at the center of the cell in during which stageof meiosis?

Metaphase I,

Metaphase II,

Telophase I,

Telophase II

Question 3 Select one answer. 10 points A haploid organism hashow many copies of each chromosome?

1, 2, 3, 4

Question 4 Select one answer. 10 points The sister chromatidsseparate during which stage of meiosis?

Anaphase I, Anaphase II, Prophase I, Prophase II

Question 5 Select one answer. 10 points Describe the importanceof independent assortment: ________________________.

will assort independently of each other,

will sort to the same gamete,

are called alleles

All of these are true

Question 6 Select one answer. 10 points How many differentgametes are produced by a cell with the genotype AABb?

1, 2, 3,4

Question 7 Select one answer. 10 points The next two questionsare based on the following information. Part 1 of 2: In beansyellow (Y) is dominant to green (y) and smooth (S) is dominant towrinkled (s). What are the possible genotypes for the offspring ofthe following cross: YySS and YYSs.

Yy, SS, YY, Ss


YYSS, YYss, yySS, yyss

YS, yS, YS, yS

Question 8 Select one answer. 10 points Part 2 of 2: In beanswith yellow (Y) dominant to green (y) and smooth (S) dominant towrinkled (s): What are the phenotypes for the offspring in theexample in the previous question?

100% green wrinkled,

50% yellow smooth and 50% greensmooth,

100% yellow smooth,

50% yellow smooth and 50% yellowwrinkled

Question 9 Select one answer. 10 points Alleles are differentversions of a _______________.





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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
28 Sep 2019

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